Custom maid 3d 2 english dialog text
Custom maid 3d 2 english dialog text


A 'Company Call' means the full cast and crew are called for the rehearsal.Ģ) The period of time to which the above call refers. A rehearsal call for the next day / week used to be posted on a Call Sheet on the stage door noticeboard, but is now often an online document, updated by the stage management team. The term now refers to the digital equivalent - taking multiple audio tracks and mixing them together at their set levels onto a single (pair of) tracks.ġ) A notification of a working session (eg a Rehearsal Call, Band Call, Photo Call, Focus Call). It allowed many sounds to be recorded onto one tape. Describes the mixing down of multiple sounds from different tracks onto one track, hence freeing up the other tracks to be re-used. slowly.Ĥ) This facility was available on many multitrack tape machines. This can also apply to the fast blackout/lights up cues that happen at curtain calls. When taking curtain calls, the Stage Manager would instruct the head flyman 'On the Bounce Please' for all calls prior to the final call, which was always 'Hand over Hand', i.e.

custom maid 3d 2 english dialog text

A bounce doesn't need to be seamless, whereas a cyclorama should be.ģ) Describes the fast in/out movement of 'bouncing' flown house tabs, traditionally used during curtain calls.

custom maid 3d 2 english dialog text

Strictly, a bounce is a white or light blue cloth onto which light is bounced to backlight another cloth. 1) Diffuse light that has been reflected from the stage, walls, cyclorama etc.Ģ) 'Bounce' is sometimes used for a flat (non-curved) cyclorama.

Custom maid 3d 2 english dialog text